Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Adam's 3 Wives

Based off the Biblical account of Adam and Eve, the tale of “Adam’s Three Wives” is an old aggadahic story designed to expand upon and explain the myths and stories of scripture. In this case, the legend of “Adam's Three Wives” arose as an attempt to explain why we read in Genesis 1:27 about Yahweh (יהוה) creating “Adam in His image…male and female He created them” and then later in Genesis 2 find a second account concerning the creation of a (apparently) second woman called Eve.

The explanation eventually reached was that Adam had had more than one wife. The woman from Genesis 1 would come to be identified as Adam’s first wife Lilith; formally a Canaanite demoness who managed to make a cameo in the book of Isaiah 34:14. Later the Midrash would add a third wife to the mix in an attempt to explain why Adam needed to be put to sleep before Yahweh could create Eve.

The best known version of the tale of Adam and Lilith comes from the 7th to 10th-Century text called the Alphabet of Ben Sira, though there are several variants. The tale of Adam’s third wife comes from the Midrash. The best known version of the story of Adam and Eve comes from, of course, the Bible’s book of Genesis, though those interested in variants should consult the 2nd-Century B.C. apocryphal Life of Adam and Eve. The following version is my own retelling…

Adam’s Three Wives

In the beginning, Yahweh created Adam. The first Adam was a hermaphrodite, an androgynous giant, simultaneously male and female. Equipped with four arms, four legs, two heads, two sets of sexual organs, and two bodies joined back to back. But this arrangement made conversation awkward and locomotion next to impossible. So Yahweh decided to separate Adam into two beings. One male, one female. Adam and Lilith.

Lilith was Adam's first wife. She was not only beautiful, with long black hair, but also powerful and intelligent. She was, after all, Adam’s equal. A mirror image of what he was. All was fine between Adam and Lilith until the issue of sex came about. Lilith insisted on being on top, a position of equality, or perhaps even superiority. When Adam refused this arrangement, not wishing to be ‘below’ to his wife, Lilith left.

She headed west towards the Red Sea, and when she got there…the devil was waiting for her. He made her an offer to become his queen and she accepted, becoming the mother of the lilim, the incubi and succubi who have haunted the nights of the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve ever since.

Meanwhile, Adam found himself alone. He complained to Yahweh who sent three angels – Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof – to retrieve Lilith. But when the three angels found her, and all her demon spawned children, and demanded that she return to Adam, Lilith simply laughed at them. Humiliated and thus powerless the three angels failed to convince Lilith to return to her former husband but as consolation promised Adam that should anyone pray to them or hang their amulet above the bed of a mother in labor that they would shield that person from the lilim.

It was then that Yahweh decided to create a second wife for Adam. This wife was made from Adam’s own body. Yahweh pulled a rib from Adam’s chest and formed it into a woman from the ground up; bones, muscle, sinew, blood, mucus, organs, skin, eyes, cartilage, hair, etc… all right in front of Adam. Now, having witnessing this process Adam was so terrified that he refused to go near his new wife, much less name her. Yahweh then saw the error made in creating the wife in front of Adam and did what He could for the woman and destroyed her, though there are those who claimed that she, like Lilith, was permitted to leave the garden though what became of her is a matter of speculation.

Finally Yahweh put Adam to sleep, took a rib from his side, and from it created Eve. Only when she was complete did Yahweh wake Adam and present his new bride to him. Adam saw her finished and perfect and submissive, and took her as his third and final wife. Adam and Eve then lived in the garden until the day that a serpent persuaded them to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, an act which endowed them with the wisdom of the gods. Yahweh was then forced to banish Adam and Eve from Eden out of fear that they would next eat of the Tree of Life, and obtain immortality thus becoming truly divine.

So Adam and Eve left Eden and took refuge in a cave beneath the garden where they carved out a new life for themselves and the rest of humanity.

I've finally done it...traced our genealogy back to God

God is your 119th great grandfather
Adam The First Patriarch (4026 - 3096)
Son of God
Seth ben Adam Second Patriarch (3874 - )
Son of Adam
Enos ben Seth, Third Patriarch (3769 - )
Son of Seth
Cainan - Kenan ben Enos, Fourth Patriarch (3679 - )
Son of Enos
Mahalaleel ben Cainan (3609 - )
Son of Cainan - Kenan
Jared Ben Mahalaleel (3544 - )
Son of Mahalaleel ben
Enoch ben Jared (3382 - )
Son of Jared Ben
Methuselah ben Enoch (3339 - )
Son of Enoch ben
Lamech High Priest Ben Methuselah (3130 - )
Son of Methuselah ben
Noah Ben Lamech (2948 - )
Son of Lamech High Priest Ben
Shem Ben Noah (2454 - )
Son of Noah Ben
Elam Ben Shem (2343 - )
Son of Shem Ben
Rasueja Bint Elam (2325 - )
Daughter of Elam Ben
Shelah ben, King of Babylon Arphaxad (2307 - )
Son of Rasueja Bint
Eber Ibn, King of Babylon Shelan (2277 - )
Son of Shelah ben, King of Babylon
Peleg ben Eber (2246 - )
Son of Eber Ibn, King of Babylon
Heraclim ben (Falikh), King of Babylon Peleg (2243 - )
Son of Peleg ben
Avram ben Heraclim
Son of Heraclim ben (Falikh), King of Babylon
Edna Maria Amthelo Bint Avram Semites of Agade
Daughter of Avram ben
Abraham ben Terah
Son of Edna Maria Amthelo Bint Avram
Isaac (Yitzchag "Laughter") ben Abraham
Son of Abraham
Jacob, King of Goshen Ben Isaac
Son of Isaac (Yitzchag "Laughter")
Dinha Barayah Bint Israel
Daughter of Jacob, King of Goshen
Hezron ben Pharez
Son of Dinha Barayah
Hezron Goshen of Egypt ( - 1586)
Son of Hezron
Ram ben Hezron of Egypt (1500 - 1484)
Son of Hezron
Amminadab ben Ram of Israel (1454 - 1350)
Son of Ram ben Hezron
Nahshon Ben Amminadab Israel (1339 - )
Son of Amminadab ben Ram
Salmon Ben Nahshon (1195 - 1114)
Son of Nahshon Ben Amminadab
Boaz Ben Salmon (1140 - 1050)
Son of Salmon
Obed Ben Boaz (1110 - 1070)
Son of Boaz
Jesse ben Obed (1097 - )
Son of Obed
David, King of Israel (1040 - 970)
Son of Jesse
Tamar Israel
Daughter of David, King of
Zerah Ibn Judah
Son of Tamar
Dara (Dardanus), King of Acadia
Son of Zerah
Erichthonius, King of Acadia
Son of Dara (Dardanus), King of
Tros, King of Troy
Son of Erichthonius, King of
Ilus, King of Troy
Son of Tros, King of
Laomedon, King of Troy (1235 - )
Son of Ilus, King of
Son of Laomedon, King of
Memnon, King of Ethiopia ( - 1183)
Son of Tithonus
Thor, King of Thrace
Son of Memnon, King of
Son of Thor, King of
Son of Hloritha
Son of Einridi
Son of Vingethor
Son of Vingener
Son of Moda
Son of Magi
Son of Sceaf
Son of Bedwig
Son of Hwala
Son of Hathra
Son of Itermon
Son of Heremod
Son of Scedwea
Son of Beaw
Son of Taetwa
Huimui of the Ostrogoths
Son of Geata
Augis of the Ostrogoths
Son of Huimui of the
Amal of the Goths (100 - )
Son of Augis of the
Hisarna of the Goths (120 - )
Son of Amal of the
Ostrogotha Goths (140 - )
Son of Hisarna of the
Hunuil of the Goths (160 - )
Son of Ostrogotha
Athal of the Goths (180 - )
Son of Hunuil of the
Achiulf King of the Ostrogoths (220 - )
Son of Athal of the
Vulwulf, Chieftain Ostrogoths (260 - )
Son of Achiulf
Walaravens (Valaravens) Chieftain Of Ostrogoths (335 - 409)
Son of Vulwulf, Chieftain
Winithar, Cheiftain of Ostrogoths (365 - 400)
Son of Walaravens (Valaravens) Chieftain Of
Wandalar, Chieftain of Ostrogoths (395 - 459)
Son of Winithar, Cheiftain of
Theodemir Cheiftan (425 - 471)
Son of Wandalar, Chieftain of
Theodoric Ostrogoths (454 - 526)
Son of Theodemir
Theodogotha the East Franks
Daughter of Theodoric
Austrigusa (Ostrogotha), Princess of the Gepidae (504 - 535)
Daughter of Theodogotha the
Wisigarda di Lombardia (535 - )
Daughter of Austrigusa (Ostrogotha), Princess of the
Garibald I "Duke of Bavaria" von Agilofinges (585 - 625)
Son of Wisigarda di
Tassilo I Herzog Von Bayern Agilofinges (543 - 609)
Son of Garibald I "Duke of Bavaria" von
Godefrey of Alamannia (660 - 709)
Son of Tassilo I Herzog Von Bayern
Nebi of Allemania Huoching (684 - 727)
Son of Godefrey of
Nebi "Duke of Swabia" Hnabi de Allemagne (709 - 788)
Son of Nebi of Allemania
Emma (Von Bayern) Von Swabia Alamannia (736 - 798)
Daughter of Nebi "Duke of Swabia"
Hildegarde Swabia (757 - 783)
Daughter of Emma (Von Bayern)
Bertrada Von Aachen (775 - 826)
Daughter of Hildegarde
Nithard De Ponthieu (795 - 823)
Son of Bertrada
Helgaud De Ponthieu (816 - 926)
Son of Nithard
Herlouin De Ponthieu (865 - 935)
Son of Helgaud
Guillaume I De Ponthieu (914 - 965)
Son of Herlouin
Godchilde De Ponthieu (944 - 1004)
Daughter of Guillaume I
Guillaume I de Alencon (963 - 1028)
Son of Godchilde
Guillaume De Alencon (995 - 1048)
Son of Guillaume I
William De La Ferte (1042 - 1076)
Son of Guillaume
Hamon Massey (1076 - 1140)
Son of William
Hamon Massey (1100 - 1140)
Son of Hamon
Hamon, Baron Dunham Massey (1129 - 1216)
Son of Hamon
Hamon IV Massey (1163 - 1250)
Son of Hamon, Baron Dunham
Hamon V Massey (1212 - 1278)
Son of Hamon IV
Hamon Massey (1242 - 1307)
Son of Hamon V
Isabella Massey (1280 - 1313)
Daughter of Hamon
Katherine Dutton (1300 - 1321)
Daughter of Isabella
Robert de Pulford (1322 - 1409)
Son of Katherine
Lady Joan de Pulford (1348 - 1380)
Daughter of Robert
Sir Thomas Grosvenor (1377 - 1429)
Son of Lady Joan
Sir Robert Grosvenor (1410 - 1464)
Son of Sir Thomas
Lady Anne Grosvenor (1435 - 1520)
Daughter of Sir Robert
Sir William VI De Stanley (1473 - 1529)
Son of Lady Anne
Thomas Stanley (1515 - 1538)
Son of Sir William VI
Peter Stanley (1539 - 1583)
Son of Thomas
John Stanley (1571 - 1619)
Son of Peter
Christopher Stanley (1603 - 1646)
Son of John
Martha U Stanley (1634 - 1665)
Daughter of Christopher
Ralph Blankenship (1662 - 1714)
Son of Martha U
John Buck Blankenship (1695 - 1754)
Son of Ralph
Hudson Blankenship (1729 - 1814)
Son of John Buck
Obedience Blankenship (1770 - 1849)
Daughter of Hudson
Samuel Cothren (1799 - 1868)
Son of Obedience
Benjamin Cothren (1833 - 1900)
Son of Samuel
Sarah Nettie Cothran (1867 - )
Daughter of Benjamin
Edna Iva Mahannah (1890 - 1949)
Daughter of Sarah Nettie
Dwight Stewart (1913 - 1989)
Son of Edna Iva
Ronald Richard (Stewart) Mason Laird
You are the son of Dwight

Sunday, March 18, 2012

2052 BC...greatgrandpa (100th generation) Terah

TERAH/TERIH King of AGADE was born 2052 B.C. in Ur, Chaldea (Mesopotamia and died 2003 B.C. He married MARIA. the wanderer; loiterer, for some unknown reason emigrated with his family from his native mountains in the north to the plains of Mesopotamia. He had three sons, Haran, Nahor, and Abraham, and one daughter, Sarah. He settled in "Ur of the Chaldees," where his son Haran died, leaving behind him his son Lot. Nahor settled at Haran, a place on the way to Ur. Terah afterwards migrated with Abraham (probably his youngest son) and Lot (his grandson), together with their families, from Ur, intending to go with them to Canaan; but he tarried at Haran, where he spent the remainder of his days, and died at the age of two hundred and five years (Gen. 11:24-32; Josh. 24:2 They are the parents of Abraham.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

1969 The Lighthouse...Hermosa Beach

It was 1969 and I was just out of the service. Back in Los Angeles from Hawaii and an acid trip at a Jimi Hendrix concert inside Diamond Head Crater; this place made me feel like a stranger in an even stranger land. The first place I found to live was in the hotel next to The Lighthouse (a world famous jazz club in Hermosa Beach) was gross. The room faced the ocean (million dollar view) and there was a Taco Bell one building down (ate there everyday). The bathroom was down the hall and so gross that I wore tennis shoes into the shower. I was looking for work at the time, and was eventually hired by Western Airlines at LAX. The "beatniks" were always loud and drunk, but the music rocked. Moved from there to a single car garage "apartment" and started growing my beard and hair to officially become a hippie.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why are we poor?

This was a question proposed by Aaron after discussing all the royality and wealth in our family history. Why are we poor, if so many before were wealthy? It's hard to say why because our families didn't keep track of family history. Genealogy doesn't lie...we were part of history (from Sepio to Stewart) and owned (or had title to) many millions of acres.

We have all been brought up on "the American dream". Get married, own a house and have children. Work hard and have what you want (debt doesn't matter), and happiness is yours. Wrong, and I say that because I did it. Our distant wealth was brought about through the misery of others. From the Roman Empire to the British Empire our families have used slaves, serfs, murder, blackmail, intrigue, and marriage to become part of the elite.

Now, after years of living "poor" we wonder why? Because I think our forefathers knew that hard work and enterprise give honor and pride to a person. I for one, am proud that I know how to work hard and pay my way in the world (Aaron and Josh have learned that lesson well too). Feel free to pursue the American dream because it can bring "happiness" if used the right way. All I'm saying is that I've found my happiness in not having material things, but in knowing what makes me happy.

I've been quoted in saying "I've sworn to a vow of poverty and chastity"...some laugh, some ask why? It's because money and sex are the two things that make most of us crazy. I'm tired of being crazy, so I'm trying to do without both. Being king of the world is out for now, so I'm just going to is good

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ogdens and 3 million acres

During the early years of the Republic, the Ogden family of New Jersey and New York parlayed ability, family, fortune, and political resilience into social and economic power. For three generations commencing with the New Jersey jurist and Loyalist, David Ogden (1707-1798), the family exploited some of the most lucrative forms of enterprise the new nation offered, enriching themselves vastly in the process. As skillful attorneys with powerful family and business connections, the brothers David Aaron, Thomas Ludlow, and Gouverneur Ogden positioned themselves to enter into the rabid speculation in newly available lands in western New York state during the 1790s. Their company, the Ogden Land Company, purchased huge tracts of land from Indians of the Six Nations and resold it to whites at an enormous profit.

Although the family remains best known for its legal pursuits, its members enjoyed a diversity of vocations and avocations that gave them leading roles in several important areas of American life in the early nineteenth century. Through their position as counsel to the Holland Land Company, David Aaron Ogden and Thomas Ludlow Ogden influenced the settlement of western New York, the construction of the Erie Canal, the determination of property law in New York, the political competition between the Bucktails and the Clintonians, and the financing of land development. As land speculators themselves, the Ogdens strove for the development of northern New York in the region near the St. Lawrence River. They attempted to create a system of privately-financed internal improvements, including harbors, mills, and turnpikes that would promote economic development around Ogdensburg and encourage emigration into the surrounding area.

During the Revolutionary War, Ogden and his brother Samuel sided with the Patriots, while their father David and brothers Isaac, Nicholas and Peter sided with the Loyalists. He befriended George Washington, who often visited the family residence while the Continental Army was quartered in Morristown. During that time his young son Thomas Ludlow Ogden wounded General Washington's hand in a fencing bout, in what is believed to be the only injury suffered by Washington in the course of the war. Unlike his father and several brothers, Abraham Ogden was committed to the cause of independence during the Revolution, and fared well in the post-Revolutionary years as a result.

After serving as surrogate for Morris County, N.J., his friend, George Washington appointed him as the first attorney general for the state of New Jersey.
The eldest of Abraham's sons, David A. Ogden (1770-1829), blazed a trail that each of his brothers followed. After graduating from Columbia College (then called King's College), he studied law and was admitted to the New Jersey bar in 1791. After practicing in Newark, N.J., for several years, he became a business associate of fellow Federalist and attorney, Alexander Hamilton, after Hamilton had retired from political life.

In about 1810, David Ogden moved to Ogdensburg (now Waddington), St. Lawrence County, N.Y., and acquired almost 200,000 acres of land in western New York State from the Holland Land Company, doling out of the enormous sum of $100,000. Although he engaged in land speculation for many years, Ogden did not neglect his law practice, eventually serving on the court of common pleas in St. Lawrence County (1811-1815, 1820-24, 1825-29). He dabbled in politics, as well, earning election to the state assembly in 1814 and 1815, and to the U.S. House for one term (1817-1819), and for several years, he was active in lobbying the national government to remove the Seneca Indians from his property.

David's younger brother, Thomas Ludlow Ogden (1773-1844), is said to have ridden on Washington's horse during his inspection tours of the Continental Army when they were encamped near the Ogden family home. Although his father's Loyalism caused brief trouble for the family, Thomas entered Columbia College in 1788, graduating in 1791 with the delivery of a very un-Loyalist oration, "On the rising glory of America."

After studying law with his father and Richard Harrison in New York city, Thomas was admitted to the New York bar in 1796, and in the same year, married Martha Hammond, entering into partnership with her elder brother, David. Thomas soon became one of the most active corporate lawyers in New York city, specialising in wills, trusts and equity jurisprudence. He was instrumental in convincing the state legislature to grant the Holland Land Company to sell land to aliens on the same term as native-born Americans. For many years served as a trustee of Columbia College (1817-1844), as vestryman or warden of Trinity Church (1807-1844), and delegate to several special councils of the Episcopal Church, among a host of philanthropic and public-spirited appointments.

Like his brothers before him, Gouverneur Ogden (1778-1851) graduated from Columbia (1796) and entered the legal profession. After traveling for several years in the southern and western parts of the nation working for the Federalist Party, he returned to live and work in upstate New York, and became a strong advocate of expansionist (capitalist) investment in the developing west.

The David A. Ogden series records Ogden's efforts between 1811 and 1819 to persuade the Monroe administration to remove the Seneca Indians from the 200,000 acres in western New York that he and his associates had purchased from the Holland Land Company. Included are the sales agreement, the articles forming the Ogden Land Company, and a long memorial to President Monroe. The series includes three letters from Lewis Cass and two to John C. Calhoun.

The Holland Land Company (HLC) material includes the extensive correspondence between the Ogdens and Paul Busti, general agent for the HLC as well as the legal files from cases in which the company's disputes were adjudicated. Once the HLC decided to sell its three million acres west of the Genesee River to individual landholders rather than to proprietors, the HLC became involved in a wide variety of other pursuits. In order to attract settlers to western New York, the company financed the construction of mills and other crucial commercial ventures; it promoted the construction of the Erie Canal, employing David A. Ogden's political influence in Albany and donating 100,000 acres of land to help pay for the canal's construction; and it tried to facilitate the availability of credit to prospective land owners.

Here's a modern day tie to the other Ogdens: David William Ogden (born November 12, 1953), known professionally as David W. Ogden, is the former Deputy Attorney General of the United States. An American lawyer, Ogden also was a high-ranking official in the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department of Defense during the administration of President Bill Clinton.

Ogden/Navarro married into Ross Family

Rossville, TX (first Scottish settlement in Texas) is on Farm Road 476 eight miles west of Poteet in Atascosa County. José Antonio Navarro, a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and once owner of the area, partitioned his land and bequeathed the tract on both sides of the Atascosa River that included the site of future Rossville to his son, Jose Antonio George (J.A.G.) Navarro.

In the early 1870s J. A. G. Navarro had the land surveyed and partitioned into long narrow strips so that all settlers would have access to the river. Several families bought land and built their homes here. At this time John Ross, who came from Scotland, married María Antonia Navarro, daughter of J. A. G. Navarro. This is the first I've seen these two families cross (not counting Mason/Bengston). We have Ross' as far back as 1274 (Hugh MacTaggart Ross, the 6th Earl of Ross) on the Mason/Stewart side. Her father gave her a labor (160 acres) of land. The couple moved from San Antonio and built their home on the east bank of the river, where they lived out their lives. In 1873 John and his brother, William F. M. Ross, founded Rossville.

The first post office there was established in January 1877 with W. F. M. Ross as postmaster. Cotton and livestock were the chief commodities of the area. By the turn of the century Rossville had a one-room schoolhouse, two churches, three stores, a cotton gin, and a small bakery. The settlement supported a veterinarian, a cobbler, and a midwife. Toward the end of the 1890s the residents numbered more than 300. In the early part of the twentieth century a Catholic church and a two-room schoolhouse were built.

At this time the San Antonio-to-Laredo railroad missed Rossville, and people started moving away. By 1915 the population was reduced to 150. The boll weevilqv infestation subsequently hit, and farmers had to stop planting cotton. Watermelons, peanuts, and vegetables became the new crops and were freighted to the market in San Antonio. During the depression years many farms were abandoned as people moved away looking for jobs. The church buildings were torn down, but two stores remained open.

When the post office was closed in 1947, mail was routed through Poteet. In 1955 the school was consolidated with the Poteet district, and the building was moved away. In 1986 a community building was opened at Rossville, which was a voting precinct with 507 registered voters. Elections are held in the Rossville community building. The building is also a meeting place for the 4-H Club, a rabies clinic, and a site for commodities distribution for the indigent, family reunions, neighborhood watch, fire-department training classes, and social gatherings.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Servilia Caepionis

Servilia Caepionis (b. c.107 BC - d. after 42 BC) is one of the few Roman women cited by ancient sources, mainly due to her being the mistress of Julius Caesar, mother of his assassin Marcus Junius Brutus, and half-sister of Cato the Younger.

Little is known of Servilia's early life. She was a patrician who could trace her line back to Gaius Servilius Ahala, and was the eldest child of Livia Drusa and Quintus Servilius Caepio the Younger. Her parents had two other children, Servilia the younger and a younger Quintus Servilius Caepio. Her parents divorced when she was young and her mother married Marcus Porcius Cato (who was father to Servilia's younger half-brother Cato the Younger.) Following her parents' divorce both her mother and stepfather died. Servilia and her younger siblings were brought up in the house of their maternal uncle, Marcus Livius Drusus who was the tribune. He too, however, died when she was 9.

Prior to 85 BC, she was married to Marcus Junius Brutus the Elder who became tribune of the plebs in 83 BC, and was founder of the colony in Capua. They had only one known child, Marcus Junius Brutus, born around 85 BC. Following the death of Sulla who had been dictator in 79 BC but had resigned a year later, the elder Brutus was killed by Pompey after the surrender of Mutina where he had fought him in 77 BC. Servilia's second marriage was with Decimus Junius Silanus with whom she had three daughters; Junia Prima, Junia Secunda and Junia Tertia.

Before 64 BC she became the mistress of Julius Caesar, and remained so until his death in 44 BC. Caesar was very fond of Servilia and, years later, when he returned to a chaotic Rome after the Gallic Wars, he presented her a priceless black pearl. It is also said that she offered him her youngest daughter Junia Tertia once his interests began to wane. Cicero wittily referenced this in remarking of a real estate deal: "It's a better bargain than you think, for there is a third (tertia) off." There was also gossip that Junia Tertia was Caesar's daughter, but it is unlikely that both tales could be true at once. It was also rumored that Servilia's son Marcus Junius Brutus, later one of Caesar's assassins, was Caesar's son but this is unlikely, as Caesar was only fifteen to seventeen years older than Brutus, and patricide was considered among the worst of crimes.

Scandalously, during a debate in the Senate over the execution or imprisonment of the Catiline conspirators in 63 BC, someone handed Caesar a letter. Servilia's half-brother, Cato, and Caesar were on opposing sides in the debate. When Cato accused Caesar of corresponding with the conspirators, and demanded the letter be read aloud, he discovered to his horror that it was a love letter written by his half-sister to Caesar.

Servilia may still have had influence over both Cato and her son, Brutus, at that time, but in 50 BC civil war broke out, and Cato left Rome to side with Pompey the Great, despite Servilia's relationship with Caesar. Although Brutus resented Pompey for the death of his father, he went too. In 48 BC Pompey was defeated in the battle of Pharsalus. Caesar gave orders to his officers not to harm Brutus if they saw him in battle, probably out of respect for Servilia. In 46 BC Caesar defeated Cato at the battle of Thapsus, and Cato took his own life.

Following the death of his uncle, although he was given high honour by Caesar, Brutus divorced his first wife Claudia Pulchra and married his cousin Porcia Catonis, Cato's daughter, in 45 BC. Servilia appears to have deeply resented the marriage as it caused a semi-scandal due to Brutus' unexplained and unreasonable rejection of Claudia Pulchra. As well as this she was jealous of the affection Brutus had for Porcia and Servilia possibly identified the influence Porcia could have over Brutus. The marriage resulted in a rift between mother and son. It may have been through Porcia's influence that Brutus decided to attack Caesar in 44 BC, in which he and several other senators conspired and assassinated Caesar.

After the assassination of Caesar by her son Brutus (and her son-in-law Cassius), the conspirators met at Servilia's house. Apart from Servilia the only other women in attendance were Porcia and Junia Tertia. Despite this, she herself escaped the purges of the second triumvirate unscathed. After Brutus's death, she lived out the remainder of her life in relative comfort and affluence under the care of Cicero's friend Titus Pomponius Atticus. Her son's ashes were sent to her from Philippi and she died naturally, as did Junia Tertia. Porcia, on the other hand, died in around 43/42 BC of uncertain causes although a majority of them claim that committed suicide following Brutus' death.

Antonia Minor

Antonia Minor, also known as Antonia the Younger or simply Antonia (31 January 36 BCE-September/October 37CE) was a daughter of Roman politician Mark Antony and Octavia Minor. She was the younger niece of the Emperor Augustus, sister-in-law to the Emperor Tiberius, paternal grandmother of the Emperor Caligula, mother of the Emperor Claudius, as well as maternal great-grandmother and paternal great-aunt of the Emperor Nero.

Antonia is one of the most prominent Roman women. She is celebrated for her virtue and beauty. She was the youngest daughter to Octavia Minor and Mark Antony and was also the favorite niece of her mother’s younger brother, Rome’s first Emperor Augustus

We are the Holy Grail

Here's the real "truth" behind the grail. We have a direct bloodline (Meric Penardun Siluria, mother: Enygeus; father: Bron) to that Jewish carpenter named Jesus. So, instead of being called Laird (since I legally own land in Scotland) Mason, you can just call me "the lord". In one legend, (Saint) Joseph of Arimathea was a soldier of Pontius Pilate who was given the cup Jesus used in the Last Supper. In Tom Cowan's book Fire in the Head: Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit, he states that the cup of Joseph of Arimathea was used to catch the blood of Christ while he was hung on the cross. After Jesus' Resurrection, Joseph was thrown into a dungeon where Jesus appeared to him and gave him the cup, which had fallen out of his possession after the fall of Jerusalem. Joseph was freed and he, his sister Enygeus, and her husband Hebron (Bron) went into exile in Briton (I would have picked an island in the Mediterranean somewhere).


Saint Joseph of Arimathea's day is March 29th. St Joseph asked for the Body of Jesus. Aided by Nicodemus, he took the Body of the Savior from the Cross, bound it up in trappings of cloth with perfumed oil, and laid it in his own tomb, which had been hewned from a formation of rock (he was a tin miner). Joseph was sent from Gaul by Phillip the Apostle to bring Christianity to the British, and to make this convertion easier, he took the Grail. Bron and Enygeus had twelve sons, eleven married. Alan did not marry and he preached Christianity. Joseph was said to have entrusted Bron with the Grail, and, in one account, Bron, a fisherman, brought it to Britian, while Joseph crossed the sea to Britain on his miraculous shirt.


Others feel that the Holy Grail is the Bloodines of Christ: Current writings show these lines.

Following the Jewish revolt in Jerusalem, during the 1st century AD, the Roman overlords were reputed to have destroyed all records concerning the Davidic legacy of Jesus, the Messiah's family. Jesus's heirs were from the Royal House of Judah.

I. Anna married Joseph of Arimathea (St. James)

II. Anna (Enygeus) married Bron the Bressed (Bron)(Bron Fendigaid ap Llyr Llediaith King of Siluria born about 60. Bron, King of Siluria. In the year A.D. 36 he resigned the crown to his son Caradoc and became Arch-Druid of the college of Siluria, where he remained some years until called upon to be a hostage for his son. During his seven years in Rome he became the first royal convert to Christianity, and was baptized by the Apostle Paul, as was his son Caradoc and the latter's two sons, Cyllinus and Cynon. Henceforth he was known as Bran the Blessed Sovereign. "He was the first to bring the faith of Christ to the Cymry." His recorded proverb is: "There is no good apart from God." He introduced the use of vellum into Britain). you see, we are all a part of history.