Monday, July 9, 2012

The Vikings

Family history and bad acting, along with the death of Ragnar, who was Ragnar "Lodbrock", King of Denmark and Sweden Sigurdsson and my 38th great grandfather.

Ragnar "Lodbrock", King of Denmark and Sweden Sigurdsson (755 - 845)

Sigurd "Snake Eye" King of Denmark Ragnarsson (786 - 823)

Knud Horda, King of Denmark Sigurdsson (784 - 850)

Frotho Canutesson of Denmark (807 - 875)

King Gorm Eriske I of Denmark (820 - 890)

Hartacut Harold II Parcus of Denmark King of Demark (867 - 931)

Gorm, The Old of Denmark Hardeknudsson (840 - 930)

Harald 'Bluetooth' King of Denmark Gormsson (910 - 996)

Svend I Tveskaeg Forked Beard Denmark (965 - 1014)

Estrid Margarete (Princess of Denmark) Svendsdatter (1000 - 1047)

Siward, Earl Northumbria Biornsson (997 - 1055)

Queen Sibyl Fitzsiward (1014 - 1040)

Malcolm III, Longneck I Canmor (1031 - 1093)

David I King of Scotland (1080 - 1153)

Earl Henry Huntingdon (1114 - 1152)

William I "The Lion" King of Scotland Huntington (1143 - 1214)

Princess Marjorie Canmore Hunntington Of Scotland (1193 - 1244)

Lady Eva Marshall (1238 - 1268)

Thomas Boyvill (1264 - 1308)

John Boyvill Esq. (1284 - 1360)

Beatrice Boyvill (1310 - 1377)

John Hutchinson (1350 - 1425)

James Hutchinson (1402 - 1427)

William Hutchinson (1427 - 1474)

Anthony Hutchinson (1454 - 1480)

Rudolph Hudson (1475 - 1530)

Henry I Hudson (1500 - 1555)

Henry II Hudson (1541 - 1611)

William Hudson (1575 - 1630)

Richard Hudson (1605 - 1659)

John Hudson (1626 - 1693)

William Hudson (1678 - 1737)

Elizabeth Hudson (1703 - 1772)

Hudson Blankenship (1729 - 1814)

Obedience Blankenship (1770 - 1849)

Samuel Cothren (1799 - 1868)

Benjamin Cothren (1833 - 1900)

Sarah Nettie Cothran (1867 - 1900)

Edna Iva Mahannah (1890 - 1949)

Dwight (Robert) Stewart (Mason) (1913 - 1989)

Laird Ronald Richard Mason (Stewart)


  1. Could you post documentation that Lady Eva Marshall was the daughter of Princess Marjorie Canmore Hunntington Of Scotland. It would be much appreciated.

  2. My name is Daniel Allen Cox II and Siward is my 28 great grand father.
