God is your 119th great grandfather
Adam The First Patriarch (4026 - 3096)
Son of God
Seth ben Adam Second Patriarch (3874 - )
Son of Adam
Enos ben Seth, Third Patriarch (3769 - )
Son of Seth
Cainan - Kenan ben Enos, Fourth Patriarch (3679 - )
Son of Enos
Mahalaleel ben Cainan (3609 - )
Son of Cainan - Kenan
Jared Ben Mahalaleel (3544 - )
Son of Mahalaleel ben
Enoch ben Jared (3382 - )
Son of Jared Ben
Methuselah ben Enoch (3339 - )
Son of Enoch ben
Lamech High Priest Ben Methuselah (3130 - )
Son of Methuselah ben
Noah Ben Lamech (2948 - )
Son of Lamech High Priest Ben
Shem Ben Noah (2454 - )
Son of Noah Ben
Elam Ben Shem (2343 - )
Son of Shem Ben
Rasueja Bint Elam (2325 - )
Daughter of Elam Ben
Shelah ben, King of Babylon Arphaxad (2307 - )
Son of Rasueja Bint
Eber Ibn, King of Babylon Shelan (2277 - )
Son of Shelah ben, King of Babylon
Peleg ben Eber (2246 - )
Son of Eber Ibn, King of Babylon
Heraclim ben (Falikh), King of Babylon Peleg (2243 - )
Son of Peleg ben
Avram ben Heraclim
Son of Heraclim ben (Falikh), King of Babylon
Edna Maria Amthelo Bint Avram Semites of Agade
Daughter of Avram ben
Abraham ben Terah
Son of Edna Maria Amthelo Bint Avram
Isaac (Yitzchag "Laughter") ben Abraham
Son of Abraham
Jacob, King of Goshen Ben Isaac
Son of Isaac (Yitzchag "Laughter")
Dinha Barayah Bint Israel
Daughter of Jacob, King of Goshen
Hezron ben Pharez
Son of Dinha Barayah
Hezron Goshen of Egypt ( - 1586)
Son of Hezron
Ram ben Hezron of Egypt (1500 - 1484)
Son of Hezron
Amminadab ben Ram of Israel (1454 - 1350)
Son of Ram ben Hezron
Nahshon Ben Amminadab Israel (1339 - )
Son of Amminadab ben Ram
Salmon Ben Nahshon (1195 - 1114)
Son of Nahshon Ben Amminadab
Boaz Ben Salmon (1140 - 1050)
Son of Salmon
Obed Ben Boaz (1110 - 1070)
Son of Boaz
Jesse ben Obed (1097 - )
Son of Obed
David, King of Israel (1040 - 970)
Son of Jesse
Tamar Israel
Daughter of David, King of
Zerah Ibn Judah
Son of Tamar
Dara (Dardanus), King of Acadia
Son of Zerah
Erichthonius, King of Acadia
Son of Dara (Dardanus), King of
Tros, King of Troy
Son of Erichthonius, King of
Ilus, King of Troy
Son of Tros, King of
Laomedon, King of Troy (1235 - )
Son of Ilus, King of
Son of Laomedon, King of
Memnon, King of Ethiopia ( - 1183)
Son of Tithonus
Thor, King of Thrace
Son of Memnon, King of
Son of Thor, King of
Son of Hloritha
Son of Einridi
Son of Vingethor
Son of Vingener
Son of Moda
Son of Magi
Son of Sceaf
Son of Bedwig
Son of Hwala
Son of Hathra
Son of Itermon
Son of Heremod
Son of Scedwea
Son of Beaw
Son of Taetwa
Huimui of the Ostrogoths
Son of Geata
Augis of the Ostrogoths
Son of Huimui of the
Amal of the Goths (100 - )
Son of Augis of the
Hisarna of the Goths (120 - )
Son of Amal of the
Ostrogotha Goths (140 - )
Son of Hisarna of the
Hunuil of the Goths (160 - )
Son of Ostrogotha
Athal of the Goths (180 - )
Son of Hunuil of the
Achiulf King of the Ostrogoths (220 - )
Son of Athal of the
Vulwulf, Chieftain Ostrogoths (260 - )
Son of Achiulf
Walaravens (Valaravens) Chieftain Of Ostrogoths (335 - 409)
Son of Vulwulf, Chieftain
Winithar, Cheiftain of Ostrogoths (365 - 400)
Son of Walaravens (Valaravens) Chieftain Of
Wandalar, Chieftain of Ostrogoths (395 - 459)
Son of Winithar, Cheiftain of
Theodemir Cheiftan (425 - 471)
Son of Wandalar, Chieftain of
Theodoric Ostrogoths (454 - 526)
Son of Theodemir
Theodogotha the East Franks
Daughter of Theodoric
Austrigusa (Ostrogotha), Princess of the Gepidae (504 - 535)
Daughter of Theodogotha the
Wisigarda di Lombardia (535 - )
Daughter of Austrigusa (Ostrogotha), Princess of the
Garibald I "Duke of Bavaria" von Agilofinges (585 - 625)
Son of Wisigarda di
Tassilo I Herzog Von Bayern Agilofinges (543 - 609)
Son of Garibald I "Duke of Bavaria" von
Godefrey of Alamannia (660 - 709)
Son of Tassilo I Herzog Von Bayern
Nebi of Allemania Huoching (684 - 727)
Son of Godefrey of
Nebi "Duke of Swabia" Hnabi de Allemagne (709 - 788)
Son of Nebi of Allemania
Emma (Von Bayern) Von Swabia Alamannia (736 - 798)
Daughter of Nebi "Duke of Swabia"
Hildegarde Swabia (757 - 783)
Daughter of Emma (Von Bayern)
Bertrada Von Aachen (775 - 826)
Daughter of Hildegarde
Nithard De Ponthieu (795 - 823)
Son of Bertrada
Helgaud De Ponthieu (816 - 926)
Son of Nithard
Herlouin De Ponthieu (865 - 935)
Son of Helgaud
Guillaume I De Ponthieu (914 - 965)
Son of Herlouin
Godchilde De Ponthieu (944 - 1004)
Daughter of Guillaume I
Guillaume I de Alencon (963 - 1028)
Son of Godchilde
Guillaume De Alencon (995 - 1048)
Son of Guillaume I
William De La Ferte (1042 - 1076)
Son of Guillaume
Hamon Massey (1076 - 1140)
Son of William
Hamon Massey (1100 - 1140)
Son of Hamon
Hamon, Baron Dunham Massey (1129 - 1216)
Son of Hamon
Hamon IV Massey (1163 - 1250)
Son of Hamon, Baron Dunham
Hamon V Massey (1212 - 1278)
Son of Hamon IV
Hamon Massey (1242 - 1307)
Son of Hamon V
Isabella Massey (1280 - 1313)
Daughter of Hamon
Katherine Dutton (1300 - 1321)
Daughter of Isabella
Robert de Pulford (1322 - 1409)
Son of Katherine
Lady Joan de Pulford (1348 - 1380)
Daughter of Robert
Sir Thomas Grosvenor (1377 - 1429)
Son of Lady Joan
Sir Robert Grosvenor (1410 - 1464)
Son of Sir Thomas
Lady Anne Grosvenor (1435 - 1520)
Daughter of Sir Robert
Sir William VI De Stanley (1473 - 1529)
Son of Lady Anne
Thomas Stanley (1515 - 1538)
Son of Sir William VI
Peter Stanley (1539 - 1583)
Son of Thomas
John Stanley (1571 - 1619)
Son of Peter
Christopher Stanley (1603 - 1646)
Son of John
Martha U Stanley (1634 - 1665)
Daughter of Christopher
Ralph Blankenship (1662 - 1714)
Son of Martha U
John Buck Blankenship (1695 - 1754)
Son of Ralph
Hudson Blankenship (1729 - 1814)
Son of John Buck
Obedience Blankenship (1770 - 1849)
Daughter of Hudson
Samuel Cothren (1799 - 1868)
Son of Obedience
Benjamin Cothren (1833 - 1900)
Son of Samuel
Sarah Nettie Cothran (1867 - )
Daughter of Benjamin
Edna Iva Mahannah (1890 - 1949)
Daughter of Sarah Nettie
Dwight Stewart (1913 - 1989)
Son of Edna Iva
Ronald Richard (Stewart) Mason Laird
You are the son of Dwight
O can dig it. Enygeus's daughter's son's daughter's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's daughter's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's son's daughter's son's son's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's son's son's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's son's son's son's son's daughter's daughter's son's daughter's son's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's son's son's daughter's daughter's daughter's son's son's son's son's son's daughter's son's son's son's son's daughter's son's son's daughter's daughter is Barbara Kim Where's the connection to Jesus & Mary.. are u talking direct ancestry or Holy Family? I have 2 major lines extending back to Adam. Isn't that fun to follow... um 'til exhausting, especially toward the end of the line? Argh. I have Enygeus also married to Joseph of A. He appears numerous times.